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Faith to Faithless
a programme within Humanists UK, the national charity for the non-religious that has worked to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail since 1896. Belief in a religion is a fundamental human right and with it is the right not to believe.
A free online video course based on life coaching principles to help former Jehovah's Witnesses heal and rebuild their lives.
Freedom of Mind Resource Center
Information to help victims leave high-control groups and heal, including the BITE Model of Authoritarian Control.
Hope Valley Counselling
Specialising in providing therapeutic treatment of former members of high-control groups and survivors of undue influence.
International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA)
Information on high-control groups, psychological manipulation, psychological abuse, spiritual abuse, brainwashing, mind control, thought reform, abusive churches, new religious movements, exit counseling, and practical suggestions for those needing assistance.
Liberated Consciousness
A nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering individuals to rebuild their lives after experiencing psychological manipulation, social isolation, and coercion.
Olive Tree Network
Supporting former members of high-control religious groups. In particular they are experienced with supporting former members of the Exclusive Brethren (Plymouth Brethren Christian Church). They have produced a comprehensive booklet for people who are thinking of leaving a high-control group. It covers all aspects of life to be considered when making the decision to leave - from family to medical and employment.
Open Minds Foundation
Championing critical thinking to create a world without coercion.
Stronger After
Free and accessible support to alleviate suffering and stop the dangerous cycle of coercive control.
The Misfit Amish
Providing resources and education to Amish adults and children to combat crimes in their communities.