Voices Unite for the Shun No More 2024 Protest at the White House
By Monica Velin Rodriguez
On September 13, 2024, a crowd of passionate individuals from all over the USA—including states as far away as Hawaii—converged on Washington DC to raise their voices and protest the inhumane practice of mandated shunning and other abuses that are common in authoritarian groups.
Love Never Shuns—Shun No More 2024!
This is the second Be Free protest, and this year’s theme put the focus on shunning. The timing of this event was carefully chosen to coincide with Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide, attempted suicide, and suicidal ideation are common among survivors of organized ostracism. Many banners and signs reflected this tragic reality that is not widely acknowledged. Some attendees were motivated by the loss of a loved one to protest in honor of the memory of a victim of shunning who is no longer able to speak for themselves.
Many attendees spoke about their personal experiences and about the need for individual rights to take precedence over the organizational rights. A highlight was the keynote speaker from Florida, Jeannette Matta. Ms. Matta holds a Masters in Social Justice/Public Administration and is a Certified Consultant in Human Rights, Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence.
Notably, some who contributed to the success of this year’s protest are in the difficult position described as PIMO (Physically In, Mentally Out) of their high-demand group. For most people living in democratic countries, this situation is incomprehensible. Most citizens of modern, democratic societies are free to make their own choices. They enjoy liberty of speech, action, and belief. However, for persons raised or entrenched in totalist groups, there is no such freedom. Speaking one’s own truth, or choosing one’s own path, comes at the enormous cost of losing all family and friends — an entire social network.
Yet many PIMOs have found a way to anonymously speak out. Yes, this involves risk, but they choose to accept that rather than staying silent. The webmaster for the outstanding Be Free Protest website is one of these anonymous activists, as is the person who initiated this protest. This advocate goes by the pseudonym “Bee”.
For fellow PIMOs trapped in a similarly precarious situation, Bee has some advice: “The policy of shunning… instills fear. People like myself don’t know if their families will ever speak to them again if they leave the Watchtower organization. This type of coercion/blackmail is an infringement of one’s human rights and needs to be stopped. No institution or person in leadership should be able to leverage anyone with this situation—not even by using ‘freedom of religion’ as justification. Every human being should have total freedom to choose to leave any institution of their choice without being penalized in any way. My advice to any PIMO out there is to do what you can to bring about change in a positive way to all humanity. I would encourage everyone to tell their story. You can do this in various ways; by disguising yourself and making a YouTube video or telling your story to organizations that will protect your identity with anonymity. In addition, write your legislator about the sinister policies and rules of [the abusive group you are in]. There is a desperate need for better legislation to protect members and their children. There is a cry for help coming from many for a better future for generations to come.”
Well said, Bee! May you and many others continue to herald the call for change—for an end to shunning; for the respect of basic human rights; for being free!
An excellent way to stay completely anonymous while supporting real change is by contributing funds to projects like the comprehensive research on mandated shunning now underway at Roehampton University.