  •   Jehovah's Witnesses
Grandmother Shunned by Family for the Last 7 Years

Grandmother Shunned by Family for the Last 7 Years

  •   Jehovah's Witnesses

I am 51 years old and have been shunned by both of my parents, 2 sisters and 2 nephews for the past 7 years due to my decision to leave the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion.

I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness from a young child but realized at a young age that I did not want to be a Jehovah’s Witness. However, I did, at the age of 15, succumb to pressure and got baptized.

Seven years ago I had 2 elders turn up on my doorstep to question me and interrogate me as to whether or not I was celebrating Christmas, even though I had not been attending their services for about 3 years. As a result of that interrogation, I ended up formally disassociating from the religion. To me, this was the best option as I no longer viewed myself as a Jehovah’s Witness.

As a result of my disassociating, my name was read out at my local congregation stating that I was no longer a JW and was to be treated accordingly, meaning I was to be shunned.

I live in a small town, so I regularly bumped into members of the local JW community. All of them actively shunned me, some giving me a dirty look to go with it, some even changing lanes in the supermarket line so they wouldn’t be standing behind me. It was, to say the least, soul-destroying. I would come home from town crying, anxious to leave the house and feeling like I was a horrible person.

My last conversation with my father was him telling me that I was dead to him and the only way back into the family was to return to Jehovah. I never got to talk to my mum and my 2 sisters, and nephews never once rang me to find out why I disassociated. None of my family have met my youngest granddaughter and they have not seen or made any attempts to contact my oldest granddaughter because she lives with me full-time. Shunning is generational. It doesn’t just stop at the person being shunned it has a flow-on effect.

The first 3 years of being shunned nearly destroyed me. I went through a grieving process, depression and anxiety. But due to having a supportive husband and real friends who have unconditional love for me, I have come through the other side. I am a survivor. I am a success story. Sadly, many are not.

The JW cult says they are a loving organization, but they are the exact opposite.

SHUNNING needs to stop!

How can this religion be classed as a charity organization, receiving tax breaks due to being a charity and yet be allowed to practice Shunning? Shunning is a form of bullying, to say the least, and would not be tolerated at school, workplace, or any other part of life, so why is it allowed in religion?

Stop Mandated Shunning is part of the Open Minds Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) charity in the USA

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