  •   Brazil
  •   Jehovah's Witnesses
A Marriage Torn Apart: My Story of Mandated Shunning

A Marriage Torn Apart: My Story of Mandated Shunning

  •   Brazil
  •   Jehovah's Witnesses

I cannot give my name, but I live in Brazil, and I am one of the many victims of ostracism by the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

In March 2020, I was disfellowshipped for disagreeing with the teachings of the Watchtower Society and openly stating that I no longer trusted the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This decision came after a long period of personal research into the Bible and its history, which led me to lose my faith and become an atheist.

Since then, my life has been turned upside down. The most painful part of this ordeal has been the impact on my marriage. Despite my efforts to be a loving, honest, and hard-working husband, my wife wants to file for divorce. Her reasons are entirely religious—she wants me to “return to Jehovah.” But I can’t go back to something I no longer believe in.

Although we are still living under the same roof, we are essentially separated. The emotional distance is immense. My wife has made it clear that if I don’t return to the religion, she plans to divorce me in April 2025. It breaks my heart to see how religious ideology can destroy a marriage, even when there is no other reason for the separation.

This isn’t just my story; I know of many other couples whose marriages have been shattered due to the intolerance fostered by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Beyond the pain in my home, I am also shunned by former friends who are still believers. People I once shared my life with now treat me as though I no longer exist, all because I can no longer align myself with their ideology.

Being shunned has left me isolated in ways I never imagined, and the pain is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. But I share my story because I believe it’s important to speak out about what is happening—not just to me, but to thousands of others around the world.

I hope my words can help support the cause of victims everywhere, from Norway to every corner of the globe. Mandated shunning is a violation of human dignity, and it’s time for the world to recognize the harm it causes.

No one should have to choose between their freedom to believe (or to not believe) and the people they love. Yet that is the impossible choice that I—and so many others—have been forced to make.

Stop Mandated Shunning is part of the Open Minds Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) charity in the USA

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