  •   Volker Blockhaus
  •   Germany
  •   69 years old
  •   Jehovah's Witnesses
Volker Blockhaus: A Life Devoted to Jehovah’s Witnesses, Then Shunned

Volker Blockhaus: A Life Devoted to Jehovah’s Witnesses, Then Shunned

  •   Volker Blockhaus
  •   Germany
  •   69 years old
  •   Jehovah's Witnesses

My name is Volker Blockhaus, and I am 69 years old. For nearly 50 years, I was a Jehovah’s Witness, and for 30 of those years, I served as an elder in three different congregations in southern Germany. I was fully dedicated to my faith and sincerely believed I was serving God in the best way possible.

However, in 2011, I started to see inconsistencies between the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses and what the New Testament actually says. Through personal study, I gained new spiritual insights, which led me to a true Christian faith. My beliefs gradually changed, and I stepped down as an elder.

In September 2017—almost four years after I had resigned—two elders came to speak with me. They asked what I believed, and I openly shared my faith with them. They said nothing in response. A week later, an announcement was made: I was no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

From that moment on, I was shunned. Friends I had known for decades now ignored me in public. If I passed a Jehovah’s Witness on the street, they would either look away or cross to the other side. My own son, who is an elder, has not spoken to me in over seven years. My wife’s entire family cut off contact with me—except for one nephew. Even my 94-year-old mother-in-law refuses to see or speak with me. The next time I see her will likely be at her funeral.

Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that leaving the religion is a personal choice, but this is not true. The consequences of leaving are devastating. The social isolation, rejection, and loss of family are unbearable for many. I was fortunate to find a new Christian community that welcomed me, but I know that not everyone is so lucky. Many former Jehovah’s Witnesses suffer from depression or struggle to rebuild their lives after being shunned.

It is a complete distortion of reality to say that Jehovah’s Witnesses practice religious freedom. Their organization does not respect fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech or human dignity. The practice of mandated shunning is cruel, coercive, and inhumane.

I share my story so that the world can understand the immense harm caused by mandated shunning. No one should have to suffer such isolation simply for choosing to follow their own conscience.

Stop Mandated Shunning is part of the Open Minds Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) charity in the USA

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