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Belgium's Timeline for Progress in Stopping Mandated Shunning

Belgium's Timeline for Progress in Stopping Mandated Shunning

2011 Activists study the court case of Jacques Lejeune in Liège (Belgium). Jacques is a huge source of inspiration for them, a real warrior for human rights. He was the first to split off "shunning" from "disfellowshipping" and bring this ...

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)

The European Court of Human Rights (EHCR) is an international court set up in 1959. It rules on individual or State applications alleging violations of the civil and political rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights. Since 1998 i...

Mandated Shunning Violates Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms

Mandated Shunning Violates Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms

What are human rights? For our purposes, Human Rights are best described by going to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)—a landmark document adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. The UDHR consists...

A Glossary of Key Words and Terms Related to Mandated Shunning

A Glossary of Key Words and Terms Related to Mandated Shunning

Coercive control A pattern of abusive behaviour in a relationship where one person or a group seeks to dominate and control another person through a wide range of manipulative tactics to undermine the victim's autonomy, self-esteem and freedom. ...

SAWS Requests Meeting to Discuss Mandated Shunning With High Control Group

SAWS Requests Meeting to Discuss Mandated Shunning With High Control Group

The Foundation Against Watchtower Shunning (SAWS), registered in Aalten, Holland has sent 7 letters to the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses (CCJW) in the Netherlands inviting them to enter a dialogue with all those who continue ...

High-Control Groups Abuse the Human Rights of Children

High-Control Groups Abuse the Human Rights of Children

At the time of writing, there are 2.3 billion children in a global population of 8,045,311,447 on the planet. How many of those children are being raised in high-control groups is unknown. One of the reasons Stop Mandated Shunning is collecting m...

The Last Days for High-Control Groups and Shunning?

The Last Days for High-Control Groups and Shunning?

From Netflix to Hollywood celebrities, the world is buzzing with stories of survival from high-control groups. While the groups ignore or head to court to stop disclosures, victims and survivors tell their stories of abuse, loss of family relation...

I Earned This Punishment Because I Have Sinned

I Earned This Punishment Because I Have Sinned

A comment often heard from excommunicated members of high-control groups is they have sinned and deserve the punishment of mandated shunning. It never occurs to them that they may be the victim. That they have induced group phobias related to sexu...

The Shunning Court Case in Belgium

The Shunning Court Case in Belgium

In a letter dated January 26th 2015, addressed to the Public Prosecutor in Ghent, Belgium, Patrick Haeck and about 15 other brave ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses took the initiative to file a complaint against the shunning policy of Jehovah’s W...

Human Rights Take Precedence Over Organisational Rights: Jehovah’s Witnesses Lose Registration Appeal in Norway

Human Rights Take Precedence Over Organisational Rights: Jehovah’s Witnesses Lose Registration Appeal in Norway

On June 30, 2023, Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs), one of six well-known religious groups that practice mandated shunning, lost their second appeal in their demand for a temporary injunction so they could continue to receive an annual financial grant of...

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