Resources to help people affected by mandated shunning


Suggested resources for current and former members of high-control groups who are affected by mandated shunning

Help for people leaving and other resources

Recovering from high-control groups can be a complex and challenging process, particularly when individuals have experienced significant restrictions on their autonomy and personal freedom. Whether you have been in a high-control group, or any situation where you felt controlled or manipulated, it's essential to seek support and resources to help with your recovery.

Here are some steps and resources to consider:

Reach out for professional help

A licensed therapist or counsellor can provide you with the guidance and support you need to navigate the emotional and psychological challenges of recovering from a high-control group. Some therapists specialize in helping individuals recover from high-control groups. They are trained to address the unique issues faced by those who have been in such situations.

Connect with support groups

There are various support groups and online communities where people who have experienced similar situations can share their experiences and offer emotional support. These groups can help you realize you're not alone in your recovery journey. Some support groups focus on recovery from abuse, which can be relevant for those who have experienced psychological, emotional, or physical abuse within high-control groups

Educate yourself

Many books and articles have been written about high-control groups and recovery. Some recommended books include Combating Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan and Recovering from Religious Abuse by Jack Watts.

Steve Hassan's BITE Model of Authoritarian Control describes specific methods to recruit and maintain control over people. BITE stands for Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional control. The BITE Model should be used within the Influence Continuum Model to help determine authoritarian control.

The book Shunned: A Survival Guide by Bonnie Zieman directs its help to people who are subjected to mandated, open-ended shunning by religions, quasi-religions, and other extreme groups.

A formal religious disciplinary action that involves the expulsion or exclusion of an individual from a religious community, typically as a result of violating religious doctrines, rules, or moral standards.

Online resources

Explore websites, forums, and blogs dedicated to recovery and psychological healing from high-control groups.

Reconnect with loved ones

Reestablishing relationships with family and friends outside the high-control group can be a crucial part of the recovery process. It's important to have a support system in place as you transition to a healthier, more independent life.

Self-care and healing

Prioritise self-care activities such as meditation, yoga, exercise, and mindfulness to help you regain a sense of control over your life. Journaling can be a helpful tool for self-reflection and processing your experiences.

Legal and security considerations

Depending on the specific situation, you may need legal assistance or security measures to protect yourself from harassment or threats, especially if you have left a high-control group with a history of intimidation or violence.

Patience and persistence

Recovery from high-control groups is a long-term process. Be patient with yourself and acknowledge that it may take time to fully heal and rebuild your life.

Remember that it's crucial to consult with a mental health professional to create a personalized plan for your recovery. Each individual's experience is unique, and a professional can help you navigate the challenges you face and work towards healing and personal growth.

Your donation can help stop mandated shunning

We need your support to make a difference. Your contribution can help us gather crucial research data, spread awareness, advocate for change, and help set legal precedents in order to stop mandated shunning.


Latest donations

Anonymous donated 30 USD
  "I’ve personally experienced shunning and know how devastating the consequences can be. Keep up the good work! "

Anonymous donated 30 USD

Andreas Ortlieb donated 30 EUR
  "Thank you!"

Anonymous donated 20 EUR
  "Wishing you a good work"

Sheila Green donated 165 GBP
  "Thank you for this website that caring people are able to help"

Patrick Haeck donated 47 EUR

Clinique Elmore donated 30 USD

Andreas Ortlieb donated 30 EUR
  "Thank you!"

Anonymous donated 50 USD

Anonymous donated 5 EUR

Anonymous donated 30 USD

How you can help

We are looking for people who have experienced mandated shunning, who understand organizational bullying, who want to make a difference or would like to be volunteers to help us make mandated shunning a crime.