Mandated Shunning Research Project

New Research Project on the Harmful Effects of Mandated Shunning


Stop Mandated Shunning (part of The Open Minds Foundation) are thrilled to announce an innovative research initiative in collaboration with the University of Roehampton, London, to study the harmful effects of mandated shunning as practiced by high-control religious groups. This three-year, comprehensive research project, costing approximately $100,000 per year, will be spearheaded by esteemed researchers Dr. Savin Bapir-Tardy and Dr. …

ICSA 2024

Stop Mandated Shunning at ICSA Annual Conference


July 2-7, 2024, the vibrant city of Barcelona hosted the Annual International Conference of the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA). This event stands as a beacon of hope and a platform for change, bringing together experts, survivors, families, and advocates from around the world who are united in their commitment to addressing the harms of high-control environments and psychological manipulation. …

Norway Mandated Shunning Court Case

Norway: Jehovah’s Witnesses Lose to the State—Mandated Shunning Means No State Subsidy


BREAKING NEWS: The Norway state subsidy is to be withheld from Jehovah’s Witnesses (Watch Tower), as the Oslo district appeal court upholds their previous decision, deeming it valid. The court acquits the State, citing “serious violations of the rights and freedoms of others” in the exclusion practices of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Last year, it was announced that Jehovah’s Witnesses would lose …


Patrick Haeck Talks to OnionUnlimited About the “Lost” Belgium Court Case


The team at Stop Mandated Shunning highly recommends watching and listening to this entertaining and informative podcast about mandated shunning. It features an engaging conversation between two ex-JW elders, Patrick Haeck and Daniel Torridon, who compare this form of shunning to a social death sentence and stoning. In one hour, get caught up on why mandated shunning should be treated …

Shunning is a Crime

SAWS Requests Meeting to Discuss Mandated Shunning With High Control Group


The Foundation Against Watchtower Shunning (SAWS), registered in Aalten, Holland has sent 7 letters to the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses (CCJW) in the Netherlands inviting them to enter a dialogue with all those who continue to suffer because of the religious mandated shunning policy.  A press release has been circulated stating that if the CCJW Directors or representatives ignore the …

Ghent Court

The Shunning Court Case in Belgium


In a letter dated January 26th 2015, addressed to the Public Prosecutor in Ghent, Belgium, Patrick Haeck and about 15 other brave ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses took the initiative to file a complaint against the shunning policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The complaint mentioned that the behaviour towards disfellowshipped and disassociated members of this community was a violation of multiple Belgian laws: A thorough investigation …

Shunning is a Crime

Human Rights Take Precedence Over Organisational Rights—Jehovah’s Witnesses Lose Registration Appeal in Norway


On June 30, 2023, Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs), one of six well-known religious groups that practice mandated shunning, lost their second appeal in their demand for a temporary injunction so they could continue to receive an annual financial grant of about 1.5 million dollars a year. They lost this right when their registration as a Norwegian religious community was revoked, effective January 1, 2021. …